Meet Alexa, a Modern Mary Poppins and Professional Nanny

In the world of childcare, turning a passion for working with children into a fulfilling and professional career is a dream for many. To shed light on this journey and inspire others, we sat down with Alexa, a seasoned nanny and Smart Sitter whose career in high-end childcare has been as enriching as it is heartwarming. With over 14 years of experience, Alexa shares insights into the professionalization of nannying, the deep connections she’s formed with families, and the unique opportunities this career path has afforded her.

Nannying as a Professional Career

“I realized then that this was a partnership between me and the mom. This wasn’t just babysitting. She relied on me, and this was my job.” 

— Smart Sitter Alexa

Alexa began our conversation by touching on the evolution of her relationships with the families she works for. She points out how nannying is unique in its duality, in that it is a professional job, but because you are working in the home, sometimes it’s easy for families to forget that. 

"I love the families dearly and appreciate that I become like an aunt in their eyes, but it's so important to remember that this is still a job, and I do not work for free," she says. “As I've gotten older and more experienced, I’ve become better at seeing that, and at maintaining those professional expectations and boundaries.” She notes the importance of contracts and outlining expectations from both sides in writing. This makes the job more professional, while also reducing the risk for conflict down the line. 

For Alexa, the shift from low-stakes babysitting into a more professional role came while working as a full-time nanny for a single mother with an autistic son. “I realized then that this was a partnership between me and the mom. This wasn’t just babysitting, I couldn’t call out. She relied on me, and this was my job.” 

Leading with Love

However, even a professional career in nannying is full of love. A core theme of Alexa's approach to nannying is the necessity of leading with your heart. 

"You have to love the family you work with. It’s a hard job, and if you don’t love it, you won’t do it for long,” she says, while it’s clear by looking at her smile that loving the job is absolutely something she does.  

The Unexpected Perks of High-End Nannying

Another upside to really climbing the nanny career ladder is the perks of committing to high-end positions. Alexa’s experiences have resulted in, for example: 

  • Traveling across the world

  • Being given items the family no longer needs, anything from fancy juicers to exclusive clothing 

  • Professional development opportunities, like when one family paid for an herbalism class simply because they knew she was interested in it 

  • Free tickets to sporting events and galas

  • Career support

These experiences highlight the generous and sometimes glamorous side of high-end nannying. It also shows, yet again, the mutual respect and appreciation between nannies and the families they serve. While nothing is guaranteed and each position is different, it’s not unusual to get little perks or bonuses when committing to - and excelling in - a professional nanny role. 

A Rewarding Emotional Journey

“I get paid to play!” 

“One of the bits about this gig that really gets to me—in the best way possible—is how you end up being part of these families,” Alexa continues, noting that families have called her a modern day Mary Poppins. “It's all about those heart-to-heart connections that make saying goodbye so hard and the whole journey so worth it.”

Alexa has several examples of seeing the children she’s worked with grow up, and she sees even challenging experiences as part of the rewards, describing how it refuels her energy to help families transition through difficult times. But on the other end of the challenge, she also confirms, “I get paid to play!” 

Take it from Alexa

“One of the bits about this gig that really gets to me—in the best way possible—is how you end up being part of these families.”

Do You Want to Make the Move into Professional Nannying?

Thinking about diving into the world of nannying? Alexa's story is like a treasure trove of why this can be the best decision ever, and we can’t help but agree. On the one hand, it's not just a fun gig – it’s a professional job with long-term career potential. But on the other hand, it’s not just a job – it’s a fun, rewarding way to really make a difference in kids' and families' lives.

Join Smart Sitting

Here at Smart Sitting, we’ve helped skilled and dedicated childcare professionals find rewarding and fulfilling positions for nearly 15 years. We pride ourselves on getting to know both families and caregivers in order to make thoughtful, curated matches that have the potential to lead to significant steps on the career ladder for the nannies – and a love fest for everyone involved. 

If you're drawn to this path, get ready for a career that's not just about the paycheck but about spreading love, learning, and leaving a positive impact wherever you go. And if you think you have what it takes to be a Smartsitter, in a supportive community that always has your back, apply today. Maybe next time it’ll be you in the interview chair, telling us about your rewarding career and sharing your know-how about what it takes to be one of the best. We can’t wait to see it!

Cajsa Landin